Global Studies 2A:Comparative Political and Religious Systems
Monday, December 08, 2003
Andy Howe
What are the basic principals of a just society that takes into consideration the environment?

When considering a society that takes the environment into account as a major concern, one must venture for environmentally sound resources. Through the example set by the Gaviotan society, there are many solutions for environmental issues. The people of Gaviotas engineered multiple different devices and systems to provide cheap and environmentally safe sources of energy and water, they used solar power and different natural oils that are renewable and can be used around the clock.

It is often a misconception that technology has to always be shiny and ‘eye-candy,’ but the engineers of Gaviotas have utilized natural resources such as clay to irrigate their fields. “Gómez’s system consisted of flexible quarter-inch tubing through which water flowed directly from a faucet to a plant’s roots, as in a typical drip-irrigation system” (Gaviotas, 63). Utilizing modern techniques of drip-irrigation systems and applied environmentally friendly materials underscore this concept: they enhance the basic technology in the sense that no computers or any other technology are needed because the clay will dish out water in the correct concentration due to the change in soil temperature.

By utilizing inexpensive materials to create genius creations solar powered machines, the culture of the society must be versatile. The Gaviotans utilize most of the techniques and equipment that they invent and or sell, prompting smooth societal functioning. This is not the case for many other already established societies due to cultural beliefs, disallowing certain techniques presented to them because of cultural denial. The great thing about Gaviotas is that the society was new and past notions were forgotten in an effort to accomplish a beautiful topia where the needs of the individual, society, and the environment are simultaneously met. Meeting the needs of the individual and the society were relatively simple, thanks to references such as Plato’s Republic etc., but the environment variable was one that needed more attention. In order to meet the needs of the environment post cultural beliefs were discarded and by doing this the people of Gaviotas could achieve moderation with all three variables.

With cultural bias beliefs pushed aside, Gaviotas was ready to be put in motion. Paolo Lugari, founder of Gaviotas, can be quoted, “I want Gaviotas to be real. I’m tired of reading about all these places that sound so perfect but never get lifted off the page into reality. Just for once, I’d like to see humans go from fantasy to fact. From utopia to topia” (Gaviotas, 43). Through this quote, Paolo expresses the motivation and attitude of the entire population of Gaviotas. Paolo and everyone else are willing to make the Gaviotan experiment work at almost any cost.

Derived from this philosophy of experimentation and a positive attitude to achieve success brings the Gaviotans to a progressive position. Wielding the power of the mind to make their reality, they approach what might be conceived as “obstacles,” but the Gaviotans would view the situation as an opportunity in “disguise,” (quote) “‘Every obstacle is really an opportunity in disguise.’ The idea, he kept reminding everybody, was to try absolutely everything, to see what would work to make llano life livable” (Gaviotas, 46). It is very imperative for the peoples of the Gaviotas society to maintain this attitude and methodology of thinking in order for their success in the llanos.

By combining the technology, the attitude, and moderation, the Gaviotans have come enviously close to the ideals of a utopia. Although we will never know the lasting results of their society, in the short term they accomplished one of the more real societies this world has ever seen.

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